EDITED: JUNE 10 2010
Mother is having a Plasmapheresis Treatment. She is also starting a Chemo drug Cytoxan to "hopefully" help her kidneys. No idea how much longer she will be in the hospital. Thanks everyone for your continued prayers..
In the past 2 weeks my Mothers condition has gone from bad to worse to bad.. to worse again
It has not been a good time for our family.
This all started with my grandmothers Death on the 23 of May.
During the early morning hours of
May 24 My mother got up to use the bathroom and as she was in the bathroom she fell..
She was bleeding badly and was unresponsive when my father found her a few minutes after she fell, He called 911 and My little Sister Kellie.

By then end of the day she was responding to people but couldn't really communicate verbally ..

They did some testing and found out her potassium levels were critically low and she was severely anemic.
It was decided maybe she had a brain bleed. (from the fall). Maybe that was where she was losing blood.. CT Scan showed no head bleeding.. SO they did some other testing. Among those things did a colonoscopy, and found something unusual going on in her colon, tested what they found there and found some bacteria in her that didn't belong.

NO idea where or when she picked that up.. they treated her for that right away .. When she seemed well enough but weak they sent her to the rehab ward of the hospital to get her in shape to send home, Where she promptly came down with pneumonia..
NOW there is some thing going on with her kidneys. They

They have moved her back to the regular part of the hospital.
They will keep her there Until she is well enough to leave and then probably transfer her to a Rehabilitation Care Center until she is strong enough to go home under my Dads care.
any extra prayers good thoughts or wishes any of you have laying around
for my family during this time would be greatly appreciated.
Wednesday, June 09, 2010 12:17:00 AM
So scary girlfriend! prayers for you and your family. How are you and your father doing?
Wednesday, June 09, 2010 6:21:00 AM
I'll be praying, and I'm terribly sorry to hear this!
Wednesday, June 09, 2010 7:47:00 AM
So sorry Grammy. She is definitely in my prayers.
Thursday, June 10, 2010 9:20:00 AM
so sorry.. you and yours will def be in my prayers...
Thursday, June 10, 2010 11:31:00 AM
What a hard time! I'm so sorry.
Sending good thoughts and prayers your direction!
Thursday, June 10, 2010 7:49:00 PM
Bless your heart--and hers. Prayers that all will be well. Take care of yourself during this difficult time.