Stress is the most common and most destructive emotion we all experience. Although we will never eliminate stress completely, we can find stress-reducing tactics.
- Exercise! Find an activity that you enjoy and release stress by working out and increasing your heart rate.
- Eat calming foods. Eliminate stimulants like caffeine and sugar; these foods can cause anxiety and put extra stress on the body.
- Laugh more and laugh often. Laughter is known to reduce stress and improve any situation.
- Try to have gratitude everyday. Appreciate and recognise the positives in your life.
- Play with children! Kids always bring such a spark to life and remind us to not sweat the small stuff.
- Take a relaxing bath. The warm water and quiet atmosphere is sure to cheer us up and make us more relaxed.
- Get a message. Tight, sore muscles can make our bodies tense and cause our mind to feel strained.
- Write down your thoughts. Getting your thoughts off your mind and onto paper is a huge release. Writing helps us work situations out and helps us think clearer.
- Talk to someone you trust. Venting to those who care about you releases all those over-whelming emotions from your body, creating a more relaxed feeling.
- Do something fun! Take time to play. We all need something fun and exciting to contrast all the responsibilities we have. You are never to old to go out and play!
- Pray and pray often.
What are your stress-reducing tactics?
Sunday, May 02, 2010 5:03:00 PM
i know what you mean about stress! with all these tornadoes going on around here... i have been stressed!!! but you are right... all of the things on your list will help stress. my favorites being play with your kids & write down your feelings. i write in my journal everynight and it is like therapy for me and i cant wait to pass them on to my grandkids Ü
Sunday, May 02, 2010 7:22:00 PM
When I feel stressed it really helps if I just sit down and breathe - I tend to get "worked up" if I am in a super stressful situation.
For everyday your suggestions are great.
Sunday, May 02, 2010 7:22:00 PM
P.S. Blogging is a stress reducer for me too. Writing down feelings working with pictures. Love it.
Monday, May 03, 2010 5:37:00 PM
Hey, when did you get that picture of me!!!
Blogging is my biggest stress reducer. And I just haven't had as much time to blog. Grrrr....
Tuesday, May 04, 2010 5:59:00 AM
when I make lists and then see what I've crossed makes me less stressed out!
Tuesday, May 04, 2010 6:03:00 PM