I have had a very difficult week, I really am not sure why.
oh.. I know why, Who am I trying to fool?
I am at an age where I am supposedly full of wisdom
but why am I feeling the opposite,
One of my "friends" said to me now your over 50 can you get a senior discount??.
That pretty much made me LOSE it I think.
Although AARP has been sending me information
for 1 year now wanting me to sign up for their Magazine.
I laughed it off. But with the comment, "Senior"...
Then My mind begins going places I never should let it go.
I began wondering if maybe my husband was having a wandering "eye".
Did he think my new found AGE was not becoming to me.
I am sure my husband would be much happier with a 30 year old.
Who has no self worth/esteem issues. Who doesn't care that 1 one year has
been tacked on to her life.
I have been Looking for every opportunity to berate and belittle myself.
Just because I think this is OLD.. because i think someone else TOLD me I am old.
Fifty didn't sound so bad.. I really didn't have such a hard time there.
But this year wow.. someone lock me up for a few more days.. because I
don't feel this Roller Coaster Rider over.
How can I be the person I want to be, when I feel old and unattractive?
Where in the book of life does it say aging and getting old are the same thing..
I never felt OLD until this year. I guess that might be the beginning of the problem.
I feel as though I have aged 5 years in the past 1. The cause of that I think is mostly health
related issues.There are a lot of things I have trouble doing these days, and I don't have the
energy or stamina that I once did.
so.. on ward and upward (right?) .. I won't ever get younger.
So I may as well embrace this age that has followed me here.
Welcome to your 50's and have a wonderful ride.
didn't someone say 50's were the new 40's?
Wednesday, April 07, 2010 8:56:00 AM
ok first off Happy birthday then I am so sorry you I keep calling you gramee. You are younger than my parents!! I am feeling the same way you are. Dont know what to do?
Wednesday, April 07, 2010 9:00:00 AM
You aren't old!! The older I get the more I realize the people I thought were old farts when I was a teenager aren't really that old at all. When you get to be 101 you can complain about being old. I will let you! I love you!!!! Have a Happy Birthday!!!!
Wednesday, April 07, 2010 10:17:00 AM
Happy Birthday!!!
You are, if it helps, about 15 to 25 years younger than my parents as well, there is a 10 yr age difference between my parents. I don't think you are 'old' at all!
As for AARP they started sending stuff to Captain Awesome a year or so ago & he's only 38! They know nothing! Pay no attention to them!
Tell all those people who are making jokes about you turning a another year older this, "So are YOU my dear, so are YOU.' If that doesn't work tell them to kiss your butt. ;)
I have never thought of you as 'old' in any shape or form! You are just an amazing woman who I love! And I am so blessed to be your friend! Thank you!
Wednesday, April 07, 2010 10:34:00 AM
I look at it as age is only a number and you are only as old as you feel. I think that you look great and hopefully you will see that soon too. I used to think that 50 was old but now--107 is what I consider old (I choose 107 because that is how old my great grandmother is). Happy Birthday!!
Wednesday, April 07, 2010 10:51:00 AM
Oh my gosh, Sparkee, I've been going through the exact same feelings these last few months! In the last couple of years I've gone from being able to pass for 21 to totally looking my actual age. I've gained weight, my hair just isn't cute anymore, *I* just don't look cute anymore. The camera sees it, I see it, and I know everyone else sees it. Now I'm going to turn that big FOUR-OH, and that darn youngest son of mine keeps telling everyone in the world that's how old his mom is. I've gone from being 21 to 40 in just a few months! And it's hit me like a frying pan upside my head. I can't wrap my brain around it- I just can't!
BTW- To me, YOU are beautiful and haven't aged a bit. :P You are so lovely inside and out, I want to be you when I grow up!
I know you just feel these to be words, but I mean them most sincerely: Happy Birthday! You are one of my most favorite people!
Love, moi!
Wednesday, April 07, 2010 11:47:00 AM
you are sooooo not old... hope you get to feeling better..
and happy birthday!
Wednesday, April 07, 2010 11:54:00 AM
I think we're about the same age and I feel your pain. Literally. The first time I was given a senior citizen discount, I was only 42! It was a cute young thing waitressing at a restaurant. She didn't even ask me if I qualified--just gave it to me! I didn't leave her a tip and I'm not sorry!
Age is just a number. Don't let it get you down. That being said--when did my mother's face start showing up when I look in the mirror??
Wednesday, April 07, 2010 12:15:00 PM
Baby enjoy it! Since my thirties, I have said, "I can't wait until my 50's" It seems so hopeful and new and fun filled! Most of my dearest friends are in their 50's and I am admittedly jealous.
Enjoy it baby!
Wednesday, April 07, 2010 1:32:00 PM
50 is the new 30! Gray is the new black! There are so many people our age in so many different situations and with so many health issues!
I love getting a senior discount at the stores and eating establishments that have the senior age at 55!
You're a beautiful woman and your husband would be crazy to want to trade you for a 30-year-old!
Embrace this age, get a check-up if you're feeling super tired and remember that only 30 more years until you can do and say whatever you want and get away with it!
I gotta run. Today is senior day at ShopKo!
Wednesday, April 07, 2010 6:39:00 PM
Happy Birthday !
30 wasn't hard for me, 40 was very hard and 50 was a breeze ( as far as age goes )...except going through the change/peri-menopause/menopause was pure hell for me...over 9 years altogether. Finally am feeling like myself since I stopped my monthy friend 2 years ago at age 57 ! I still feel 16 inside and that's what keeps me rollin' now ! Hang in there my friend, been there felt all the things you're feeling...just stay busy and don't be so hard on yourself...it's just the natural course of life...only gets us down if we let it. Writing about it really helps not only you but others out there too !
Wednesday, April 07, 2010 6:52:00 PM
I sent you an email this morning for your birthday. I hope you got it, but if not, I am writing this as well. Happy Birthday!! And please don't tell me turning 51 is hard!! 50 was bad enough. I cried for about six months. I haven't cried at all yet about 52 but I still have two more months.:-
And by the way, if you look like your picture, I think you look great!
Wednesday, April 07, 2010 7:26:00 PM
sorry you are having a hard time!
Wednesday, April 07, 2010 7:31:00 PM
Oh man!! Hear me - DO NOT miss out on the best years of your life!! They are seriously right now!!
30's SUCK - (sorry but they do!) In your 30's you are still finding out who you are, money is tight, and you are still can't believe you are not 20 anymore - hee hee - I thought the thirties were ICKY ICKY ICKY!!!
40's felt empowering and by 50 You have got it made!! Do not let someone tell you you are old and ruin it all!
Sure things look a little different on the outside but the inside is what counts - You are a beautiful, capable, honest, friendly, good woman with so many great qualities - Don't put yourself down (and by the way you are beautiful on the outside too!!).
OK that is my pep talk. I am not that far away from 50 and believe, you-me - I am not planning on being OLD!!!
If I came to visit you we would ride that roller coaster sister :D
Now go and have THE Happiest Birthday ever!!!
P.S. Bruce Springsteen is rocking out on the current cover of AARP - He's 60 and never looked better and he's a rock star!!
Wednesday, April 07, 2010 8:42:00 PM
Happy Birthday!
It doesn't matter what age you are-31 or 50 or 88! With each passing birthday, everyone is scared of aging. I remember when I turned 25, I felt like I was so old! LOL! Even though I get older and older every year, I still feel like I am forever 21. And, I think that is a common occurence with most people. I'm probably the last person you want to hear this from, but don't let birthdays scare you. Be grateful for another year that you have on this earth to spend with your beautiful children, grandchildren, and husband. My biggest fear in life is dying before my children are grown. I will be excited to see my 50th birthday! And, think of all the knowledge and wisdom that you have gained! I hope that you have a fabulous birthday!
Thursday, April 08, 2010 8:48:00 AM
Happy Belated Birthday!
I started to get AARP on my butt last b-day when I turned 42. It depressed the heck out of me for weeks. But I read another comment about 50 being the new 30 & I agree. I think that's what I've been reading on the covers of all those mags!
You look good! I'd be willing to bet that Grumpy thinks so too!!!
Thursday, April 08, 2010 8:49:00 AM
Happy Birthday! How great to have a birthday in Spring. Flowers are popping up just for you.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010 9:31:00 AM
oh, I'm sorry you are feeling so down. I hope today is a better day! You know I don't think that "feeling" has to have a number on it...sometimes I even feel old when I look back at when I was younger...
It is something in life that cannot be changed...so you just have to roll with it...and somedays are easier than others...whether you're in your 30's or 50's or 80's...I can't see it ever being EASY. Luckily we have so much around us to smile about...so that is what helps!!
Saturday, April 17, 2010 1:37:00 PM
Does it help you to know that I'm going to turn 54 next month! ;o)
Sunday, April 18, 2010 1:14:00 PM
First off... Happy Belated Birthday!
I can soooo relate to this post! I had such a difficult time when I turned 50. I've been excited when I turned 20, 30 and even 40. But 50?! Who ever wishes to be 50?! Once I got passed it, I've been (somewhat okay). 51 wasn't as bad, and I'm not even thinking about my birthday this year!
I recently started working at an assisted living facility where the average age (I think) is about 85! It's interesting be be around TRUE seniors and feel the spirit of the ones who truly are young at heart. They are such a joy. They have added a new perspective to MY life. And it's nice, because they all think I'm a young'un at 51!