i know many families who are in some way dealing with their children and disease.
last night i was reading in depth about a disease A-T, Jessica from "all tied up" her 8 year old son Liam has. i was devastated. you NEVER want to see little children so sick like that.
then i thought about how lucky we were my living grandchildren were all well and healthy.
Living you say?
{remember Kenner passed away last November Here is his story if you don't know it
my extended family has suffered many illnesses in the past. nothing major mostly.
until 2 years ago my sister lost her second oldest son to cancer.
i went to sleep with all this on my mind.. i woke up at 3 with a start..
remembering.. we have lived every day the better part of 10 years with our oldest child
suffering with a life threating disease, what made me not think of this before.. because we don't dwell
on it we try to live a normal.. {normal as we can}..life.. that's what most people do who live with
a sick child no matter if they are 8 or 22 or 32 ..live as normal as possible.
Sarah has scleroderma it hasn't been fun the past few years for her she has
pretty much just gotten worse as time goes on. 2 years ago this fall she had to put on
oxygen. she did get to reduce the amount of oxygen she is on when we moved here to arizona.
which to her is a great blessing!
the whole reason behind this post.. i guess is sometimes you just forget.. because it is your normal..
until something makes you remember it isn't normal after all...
whats normal to you?
Thursday, July 23, 2009 2:28:00 PM
I agree, it is so hard to see children suffer from such diseases. It breaks my heart. I know God is loving, though, and has wisdom and purpose in all things.
Thursday, July 23, 2009 3:09:00 PM
I love your Trees...they're so cute! Oh and Normal is relative (i think i'm normal)
Thursday, July 23, 2009 5:43:00 PM
I think in life we strive to find a new "normal" on a daily basis, depending on what gets thrown our way. Hang in there!
Thursday, July 23, 2009 9:03:00 PM
Gramee, thank you for sharing the link to the A-T Children's Project in your post.
I am so glad that blogging has brought us together. It has opened my eyes to a whole new way to get to know all about the world thru the eyes of such wonderful women, like you.
I am going to paraphrase from Forest Gump..."normal is, as normal does". Now that's not exactly what he said but I think it works.
There is no such thing as normal anymore...in fact I suspect that there never has been such a thing. Kind of like the tooth fairy & money growing on trees. ;>
Friday, July 24, 2009 1:04:00 PM
My normal is different too. We dealt w/ a NICU baby that should have died & almost did. We now live w/ a disease that while not life threatening on its own has some doozies in the complications department.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your grandson & nephew & yet I rejoice w/ you that your living grandchildren are healthy & well & that your daughter doesn't have to use as much oxygen now.
Yep, normal is relative to what/where we all are in this big ole world, isn't it?
Friday, July 24, 2009 8:03:00 PM
What an interesting thought. Normal to us all is so relative and personal yet the very definition denies such an interpretation. I loved this post.
Saturday, July 25, 2009 7:20:00 AM
I'm so glad she doesn't need as much oxygen living here in AZ. That has got to be a big blessing to her.
You're right, everyone's perspective of normal is different. It's so heartbreaking to read about sick children. Just kills me. I just finished reading My Sister's Keeper and it broke my heart the whole way through it.
Monday, July 27, 2009 10:53:00 AM
is that you in the Mukilteo, WA shirt? are you from WA??? I grew up in Bellingham!
I hope I never have to know what it is like to have a very sick child....both of my boys have each had to have a corrective surgery...and my youngest has a knack for getting himself hurt and needing stitches...but that is hard enough on my heart....I can't even imagine a more intense pain of the heart.....