a very dear family friend James writes a great blog..
service~the action form of love
here is his latest post i thought it was a really great thing to think about. and he loves to have his post passed along..
Used by permission:
Employment Alertness

Welcome to Service – The Action Form of Love
Many of us are enduring some pretty rough financial seas. Dan and Barbara, a couple who relocated to Utah for Dan’s job only to be laid off shortly after arriving. Now they’re packing back up to move again, this time at their own expense. $2500 or more down the drain.
In one way or another, we’re all experiencing some fallout from the current economic crisis.
So, what can we do to help?
How can we help in small and simple ways?
Today’s challenge is this:
Be alert.
Know of a job opening at your company or nearby? How about posting it on Twitter, Facebook or any other social media site you belong to?
Do you know someone who could fill that job? Why not cut to the chase and email it directly to him or her?
Small and simple. Just like always.
Be alert for openings; pass them on to others who might be in the market for that job.
Thank you for reading and accepting today’s challenge. I really appreciate the fact that you understand the concept that by small and simple things, great things can happen (a paraphrase of one of my favorite scriptures).
Thank you also for being willing to pass this challenge to others. I know you pass it on by forwarding, by retweeting, by posting on message boards and by Stumbling. I’m truly humbled by your willingness to help others – because that’s what it’s all about.
Thank you especially for remembering that Service is The Action Form of Love
Wednesday, June 03, 2009 2:16:00 PM
This was GREAT Gramee!! Thanks for sharing it with all of us!!
Thursday, June 04, 2009 4:00:00 PM
I am SOOOOO thankful for Sean's job! Even more now in this economy!
Thursday, June 04, 2009 8:06:00 PM
I am going to work on being alert. Thank you for this message!
Thursday, June 04, 2009 8:52:00 PM
Love this post!
Friday, June 05, 2009 9:39:00 AM
What a great idea looking out for others. Your blog is great.
Friday, June 05, 2009 9:19:00 PM
It just makes sense doesnt it? What a great post!
My hubby is looking for a job and we've had a lot of kind people pass on info. It means the world to us that they're thinking of our family in these hard times.
Monday, June 08, 2009 7:18:00 AM
Good advice. I was actually thinking about this last week. I haven't even asked Luvpilot if there are any openings with his company right now. I need to be more aware. I don't do Twitter, but I do FAcebook and can let the ward emplyment specialist know about them.