JILLENE at Jillenes Journal
got me thinking today.. i think everyday., but she got me thinking about names.
she said something about her mother and i having the same given name, i then began thinking about all the Linda's i knew around my age. so i looked up social security online popular baby name site.
Linda was number 1 from 1949- 1953. then 2 '54 and number 3 untill 1961 when in 63 it drops to #5 ..so there are as many Linda's born in the 50's as Emilys in the mid 90's. now Jillene, i wonder..how old is your mom?
Wednesday, May 13, 2009 4:54:00 PM
My mom is a Linda and she was born in '51. Funny stuff. I love seeing stuff like this. I think I'm going to go look up my name now.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009 6:03:00 PM
I think everything about names is so interesting!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009 9:10:00 PM
It's so funny how names come and go . . .
I'm with Heidi. I love names too. When I'm pregnant I literally spend hours on baby name web sites looking upt cool names and what they mean.
My current favorite: Ruby!
Thursday, May 14, 2009 4:27:00 AM
My step-M.I.L. is a Linda and she has to be born around the mid-late 50's too!
me....my name is probably one thing my Mom did that I love....I love having a unique name...even if people ALWAYS mess-up and call me Candice...I love being one of the only CADANCE's =) I always know when a telemarketer is calling...they don't know how to pronounce my name!!! So they obviously don't know me!
Thursday, May 14, 2009 7:18:00 AM
I've complied a list of potential baby names (for all the babies I have yet to have) and I always get sad when one of the names becomes popular! LOL...
Thursday, May 14, 2009 7:38:00 AM
im with everyone else... names are like fashion... normally everything just goes and comes full circle.
Friday, May 15, 2009 1:52:00 PM
My name is what it has always been...most popular middle name...Lynn.
Friday, May 15, 2009 4:21:00 PM
I knew I was going to like your blog the minute I clicked on it and saw dear Pres. Hinckley!
As far as names go I think it is weird how so many names are becoming unisex.
Girls with boy names, boys with girls names. So weird.